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Ride Guide: Captain Roy's to Fenders Brewing

By far one of my favorite routes in the Des Moines area. Some of the most beautiful scenery, especially during the spring and fall. You will go past Sailorville Lake, and the area surrounding it. Through campgrounds, and sunflower fields. It is one of my favorite rides. It is challenging, but worth it.

If you are starting at Captain Roy's, head north and follow the trail along the Des Moines River until you find Sailorville Lake. Climb the giant switchback hill up the Sailorville Dam, and soon you'll find a picturesque prairie scene that overlooks Sailorville Lake. You'll go through a Prairie Flower Campground, and then up another steep hill. I recommend approaching the hill by The Fleetwood as hard as you can, and don't stop until you're at the top. Once you're there, stop at The Fleetwood and grab a drink to relax. You have definitely earned it on that ride. Swing out to Fenders after relaxing at Fleetwood and continue your ride.

Use the attached GPX file as a suggested map for this ride. On your phone, use a GPX app like Ride With GPS, or GPX Viewer. Whatever your preference is, you should be able to load the file to it.

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