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Ride Guide: 515 Brewing to Baxter

If you're looking for a Century day, I highly recommend this ride. It's almost all trail, traversing the large web of cycling trails in Des Moines. You'll go from Clive, through West Des Moines, towards Downtown Des Moines, into the East Side, and through Pleasant Hill before hitting Berwick and Bondurant while on your way to Baxter.

There are plenty of options a long the route for places to stop and break up the ride. The trail on this route is actually very well maintained for most of the ride. A good chunk of this trail goes along the Rails to Trails network, which provides well maintained paths, with few hills.

Set out for a century day, grab a drink at Reclaimed on your way, then come back to 515 and celebrate with a drink there as well!! Be sure to brag about the ride, because you just did 100 miles in a day!

Use the attached GPX file as a suggested map for this ride. On your phone, use a GPX app like Ride With GPS, or GPX Viewer. Whatever your preference is, you should be able to load the file to it.

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